Masternode Social Media Rankings

Over the course of the last few months we’ve revamped our masternode social media ranking algorithm to more accurately measure engagement by aggregating

– Average Tweets per day
– Retweets per tweet
– Likes per tweet
– Time between each tweet

This approach accounts for engagement, but is more robust against scam bots and doesn’t unfairly rank coins highly soley on their number of followers. A natural next step in the analysis workflow would involve simply graphing our ranking against current market capitalization. We performed said analysis, and after scaling the y-axis with a logarithmic function, our graph revealed a highly correlated relationship between the social media score and market capitalization.

In the end, the the top 10 coins were:

1. $SYS
2. $DASH
3. $PIVX
4. $XLR
5. $DEV
6. $PHR
8. $CCC
9. $XZC
10. $XG

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