Tiering and Dashboarding ETH 2.0 Validator Behavior

1 Introduction As part of the data visualization subdivision of Ethereum Foundation community staking grantees, our research seeks to provide graphical insights into the function and health of the network. Over the last few months, we have worked to update our analysis on the performance of validator nodes which was originally performed on the Medalla testnet. In this article, we will provide an update on the progress, highlighting the work we’ve done both in terms Read more about Tiering and Dashboarding ETH 2.0 Validator Behavior[…]

Exploring Numerai Data via R

Numerai is a crowdsourced hedgefund that hosts tournaments, which attract thousands of data scientists around the world to compete for Numeraire cryptocurrency. The company provides clean, regularized, and obfuscated data, where anyone with expertise in machine learning can freely participate. Other than that, they also include various guides and coding samples to help novice data scientists get started. One way to get the data is simply visit https://numer.ai/. In this article, we will perform exploratory Read more about Exploring Numerai Data via R[…]