Let’s build a Shiny App!

First, download the dataforshiny folder containing 5 csv.files. These data were obtained from the Numerai Tournament training data.

The plan

We will build an app that lets user to explore the Numerai Tournament training data in various different ways.

We will first build an app for each of the 5 datasets in the folder. After that, we will combine these apps into one!

The summary data

We have seen and used this dataset in the previous section. Let’s start with the existing code in Example_01.R and add more functionality.

First, we can change the names of the columns so that they are more readable:

#change column names of summary statistcs
names(summary)[5:11] <- c("Mean",
                          "Standard Deviation",
                          "First Quartile",
                          "Third Quartile",

Next, let’s add a column named Category.

#create category in summary table
              'feature_intelligence') ,'Intelligence',
              'feature_strength'), 'Strength',
              'feature_dexterity'), 'Dexterity',
              'feature_constitution'),'Constitution', 'Wisdom')))))

Thus, we can now plot a similar histogram across different categories by simply adding +facet(~category) .

Let’s create a checkboxInput to let the user pick between the two plots.

#in UI
checkboxInput("category", "Category:", FALSE)

#in server
  output$summaryplot <- renderPlot({
    if (input$category){
      ggplot(summary, aes_string(x=input$sum_stat, fill = "category")) +
        labs(title=paste0("Distribution of ", input$sum_stat),
             x=input$sum_stat, y = "Frequency") +
        facet_wrap(~category) +
        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,
                                         vjust = 1, size = 9, hjust = 1))

    } else {
      ggplot(summary, aes_string(x=input$sum_stat)) +
        geom_histogram(fill = "#EA5600", color="grey")+
        labs(title=paste0("Distribution of ", input$sum_stat),
             x=input$sum_stat, y = "Frequency")        

First app done!

You can download the code part1.R and make sure it is in the same directory as the folder dataforshiny.