Your Background

What is your current knowledge of Data Science tools?

  • Excel, Numbers, A spreadsheet software
  • SAS, SPSS, Minitab
  • Any other programming language
  • R
  • A text editor

Installing R

Hopefully this has been completed already. Otherwise for Windows or OSX:

  • Go to
  • From CRAN, pick a download site
  • Choose a link based on your Operation System (OS)
  • Choose the “base” subdirectory to install R.
    • “contrib” is useful for installing packages on computers without internet access
    • “Rtools” is needed for package development

Interacting With R

  • RStudio
  • RGui [Windows/Mac] or Command line [Linux]
  • Notepad++ (NpptoR) [Windows only]
  • Emacs + ESS
  • Eclipse + StatET

Learn RStudio

We will be using Rstudio for the duration of this course. However, you are free to use any IDE of your choice.